Monday, March 3, 2014


Howdy y'all,
My name is Colin and this is a blog for my passion project. What is a passion project you might say?
Well this semester in grade 11 Bible class we have been assigned to either produce a product or accomplish goals that we think we can become passionate about and achieve in the remainder of the school year. Perhaps you have clued in and already discovered what my project is about... If you guessed running, gold star for you.
Yes, I want to start running and to be honest it's something I've never really enjoyed or been very good at, but I'm feeling the challenge and there's no turning back now. Now I've always been a pretty athletic kid, but I think sometimes I fall under the 'lazy' category, through the goals ill be setting I hope to improve on my overall cardio so that I can feel more satisfied with my athletic ability and my general health by establishing a solid habit.
Throughout the semester I hope to not only to become a stronger, faster runner, but I also plan to educate myself on the benefits that running has on the human body.
In my blog I hope to share with you why running is important, some helpful videos, running playlists and of course my progress.
Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good idea for a project, Colin. I look forward to reading the rest of your posts and hearing about your accomplishments.
