Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Injuries are probably those most annoying part of any physical activity. Oddly enough mine is not through running which could be a blessing in disguise. My key sport has always been volleyball and with that I have had a reoccurring knee injury that has once again got the best of me. My somewhat well known disease is called Osgood-Schlatter. It is an irritation of the patellar ligament and is usually found in young adolescents, such as myself, from over conditioning running or jumping. In my case though, its jumping.
X-ray showing stress
 of tendon/growth-plate
How will this affect me? Well it is recommended that I give most physical activity a rest for a little while which means I have to put running on hold. First, because it can be extremely painful, and second, I don't want to put my knees under any more stress because i'm going to be needing them for a while. Hopefully I will bounce back quickly as I have been enjoying running and want to get back into as soon as possible.